Edwards Lifesciences Chirurgische Aortenperikardklappen Chirurgische Aortenherzklappe
Magna Ease-Herzklappe

Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease-Aortenherzklappe

Bewährtes PERIMOUNT-Design

  • Die Magna Ease-Herzklappe basiert auf dem bewährten und langfristig erprobten PERIMOUNT-Herzklappendesign und weist u. a. folgende Konstruktionselemente auf:

Einfache Implantation

  • Bietet viele Designmarkierungen zur Vereinfachung der Herzklappenimplantation

Hervorragende und stabile Hämodynamik

  • Herausragende EOA-Werte und niedrige Gradienten in veröffentlichten Studien dokumentiert1-3
  • Dokumentierte hämodynamische Stabilität bis zu 17 Jahre nach der Implantation

Außergewöhnlich lange Lebensdauer

  • Basierend auf der bewährten Leistungsstärke des PERIMOUNT-Herzklappendesigns, mit einer dokumentierten klinischen Lebensdauer von bis zu 20 Jahren

magnaeaseproven-1 (1)
easeofimplant-3-1 (1)
magnaeaseproven-1 (1)

Einfache Implantation

  • Bietet viele Designmarkierungen zur Vereinfachung der Herzklappenimplantation

easeofimplant-3-1 (1)

Hervorragende und stabile Hämodynamik

  • Herausragende EOA-Werte und niedrige Gradienten in veröffentlichten Studien dokumentiert1-3
  • Dokumentierte hämodynamische Stabilität bis zu 17 Jahre nach der Implantation


Außergewöhnlich lange Lebensdauer

  • Basierend auf der bewährten Leistungsstärke des PERIMOUNT-Herzklappendesigns, mit einer dokumentierten klinischen Lebensdauer von bis zu 20 Jahren


Magna Ease-Aortenklappe


Die Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease Perikardiale Aortenklappenprothese ist für die Verwendung bei Patienten bestimmt, deren Aortenklappenerkrankung so weit fortgeschritten ist, dass ein Ersatz der natürlichen Klappe durch eine Klappenprothese angezeigt ist. Sie eignet sich auch für Patienten mit einer Aortenklappenprothese, die nicht mehr ausreichend funktioniert und ersetzt werden muss. In diesem Fall wird die zuvor implantierte Prothese chirurgisch entfernt und durch eine neue Prothese ersetzt.


  • Klappensegel: Bovines Perikard
  • Stent: Kobalt-Chrom-Legierung
  • Stoffbezug Stent: Polyesterstoff
  • Klappen-Nahtring: Silikonkautschuk


  • Das Modell 3300TFX wird mit dem Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix-Verfahren behandelt, das auf die beiden wichtigsten Kalzium-Bindungsstellen abzielt: residuale Glutaraldehyde und residuale Phospholipide

Allgemeine Produktinformationen

  • Lagertemperatur: 10 °C bis 25 °C (50–77 °F)
  • Aufbewahrungslösung: Glutaraldehyd
  • Spülverfahren: 500 ml (sterile physiologische Kochsalzlösung) x 60 Sekunden. Einmal mit neuer Kochsalzlösung wiederholen

3300TFX Carpentier-Edwards
Perikardiale Aortenklappen-Bioprothese
mit ThermaFix-Verfahren
19, 21, 23, 25, 27 und 29 mm Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease Perikardiale Aortenklappen-Bioprothese mit ThermaFix-Verfahren‡

ModellBeschreibungKompatibel mit HerzklappenmodellenGrößen
1133SET Obturatoren - Komplettset 3300TFX 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 und 29 mm
1133 Obturator - einzeln 3300TFX 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 und 29 mm
 TRAY1133  Zubehörschale 3300TFX
 1111  Wiederverwendbarer Griff 3300TFX, 3000TFX, 3000
 1126  Längerer Einmal-Griff 3300TFX, 3000TFX, 3000

Klinische Zusammenfassung:

Sehr langfristige klinische Ergebnisse der Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT-Herzklappe in Aortenposition

‡ Es liegen keine klinischen Daten für die Evaluation der langfristigen Auswirkungen von Edwards Lifesciences Gewebebehandlungen bei Patienten vor.
* Freiheit von Explantation / Prothesenersatz / Reoperation wegen SVD.
† Freiheit von Herzklappen-Reoperation wegen Dysfunktion der Prothese und allen anderen Ursachen.

  1. Dalmau M, et al. The Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna aortic xenograft: a new design with an improved hemodynamic performance. Interactive Cardiovasc and Thoracic Surgery 2006;5:263–267.
  2. Ruzicka D, et al. The Complete Supraannular Concept, In Vivo Hemodynamics of Bovine and Porcine Aortic Bioprostheses. Circulation 2009;120(11 Suppl):S139-45.
  3. Wendt D, et al. The new St Jude Trifecta versus Carpentier-Edwards Magna and Magna Ease aortic bioprosthesis: Is there a hemodynamic superiority? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014;147(5):1553-1560.
  4. Banbury MK et al. Hemodynamic Stability During 17 Years of the Carpentier-Edwards Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg 2002;73:1460-65. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 yrs.)
  5. Pelletier LC, Carrier M, Leclerc Y, et al. The Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: Clinical Experience with 600 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995;60:S297-302. (Cohort size = 416, mean age = 63 yrs. Number at risk for Primary Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up = 18)
  6. Cosgrove DM, Lytle BW, Taylor PC, et al. The Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Aortic Valve. Ten-year results. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995;110(3):651 662. (Cohort size = 310; mean age = 64.2 ± 10. 8 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up = 63)
  7. Carrier M, Pellerin M, Perrault LP, et al. Aortic Valve Replacement with Mechanical and Biologic Prosthesis in Middle-aged Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001;71:S253-256. (Cohort size = 158, mean age = 61 ± 3 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up not reported)
  8. Murakami T, et al. Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: 10-year Results. J Heart Valve Dis. 1996 Jan;5(1):45-9. (Cohort size = 49, mean age = 58.6 ± 15.1 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 1)
  9. Aupart MR, Babuty DG, Guesnier L, et al. Double Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve: 10-year Results. J Heart Valve Dis. 1996;5(3):312-316. (Cohort size = 71, mean age = 63.4 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Structural Failure at last follow-up not reported)
  10. Aupart MR, Sirinelli AL, Diemont FF, et al. The Last Generation of Pericardial Valves in the Aortic Position: Ten-year Follow-up in 589 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996;61(2):615-620. (Cohort size = 589, mean age = 67.5 ± 11.2 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Failure at last follow-up not reported)
  11. Aupart M, Simonnot I, Sirinelli A, et al. Pericardial Valves in Small Aortic Annuli: Ten Years’ Results. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 1996;10(10):879-883. (Cohort size = 90, mean age = 72.2 ± 10.1 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Failure at last follow-up not reported)
  12. Gao G, Wu Y, Grunkemeier GL, et al. Durability of Pericardial Versus Porcine Aortic Valves. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;44(2):384-388. (Cohort size = 1,021, mean age = 74 yrs. Number at risk for Explant for SVD at last follow-up = 6)
  13. Le Tourneau T, Vincentelli A, Fayad G, et al. Ten-year Echocardiographic and Clinical Follow-up of Aortic Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial and Supraannular Prosthesis: a Case-match Study. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74(6):2010-2015. (Cohort size = 75, mean age = 72 ± 9 yrs. Number at risk for SVD or reoperation at last follow-up = 18)
  14. Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, Lytle BW, Smedira NG, Sabik JF, Saunders CR. Long-term Results of the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Aortic valve: A 12-year Follow-up.Ann Thorac Surg 1998;66:S73–6. (Cohort size = 310, mean age = 64.2 ± 10.8 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last followup = 111)
  15. Dellgren G, David TE, Raanani E, Armstrong S, Ivanov J, Rakowski H. Late Hemodynamic and Clinical Outcomes of Aortic Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002;124:146-54. (Cohort size = 254, mean age = 71 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up = 6)
  16. Nakajima H, Aupart MR, Neville PH, Sirinelli AL, Meurisse YA, Marchand MA. Twelve-year Experience with the 19 mm Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Aortic Valve. J Heart Valve Dis 1998;7:534-539. (Cohort size = 121, mean age = 73.2 ± 9.4 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up = 4)
  17. Neville PH, et al. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis in Aortic or Mitral Position: a 12-year Experience. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;66(6 Suppl):S143-7. (Cohort size = 787, mean age = 68.83± 10.8` yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 13)
  18. Pellerin M, Mihaileanu S, Couetil JP, Relland JYM, Deloche A, Fabiani JN, Jindani A, Carpentier AF. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis in Aortic Position: Long-term Follow-up 1980 to 1994. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995;60:S292-6. (Cohort size = 124, mean age = 65 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up = 8)
  19. Frater RWM, Furlong P, Cosgrove DM, Okies JE, Colburn LQ, Katz AS, Lowe NL, Ryba EA. Long-term Durability and Patient Functional Status of the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis in the Aortic Position. J Heart Valve Dis. 1998;7:48-53. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 64.9 ± 11.8 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up = 28)
  20. Poirier NC, et al. 15-year Experience with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;66:S57-61. (Cohort size = 598, mean age = 65 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 8)
  21. Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, White JA, et al. Age and Valve Size Effect on the Long-term Durability of the Carpentier-Edwards Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001;72(3):753-757. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 ± 12 yrs. Number at risk for Explant for SVD at last follow-up not reported)
  22. McClure RS, Narayanasamy N, Wiegerinck E, et al. Late Outcomes for Aortic Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: Up to 17-year Follow-up in 1,000 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;89(5):1410-1416. (Cohort size = 1,000, mean age = 74.1 ± 0.29 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up not reported)
  23. Minakata K et al. Long-Term Outcome of the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve in the Aortic Position in Japanese Patients. Circulation Journal 2014;78:882-889. (Cohort size = 574, mean age = 71.9 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at 15-year follow-up = 54)
  24. Jamieson WR, Germann E, Aupart MR, et al. 15-year Comparison of Supra-annular Porcine and PERIMOUNT Aortic Bioprostheses. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2006;14(3):200-205. (Cohort size = 1,430, mean age = 69.5 ± 10.4 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 33)
  25. Biglioli P, Spampinato N, Cannata A, et al. Long-term outcomes of the Carpentier-Edwards pericardial valve prosthesis in the aortic position: effect of patient age. J Heart Valve Dis. 2004;13(1):S49-51. (Cohort size = 327, mean age = 67.2 ± 10.6 yrs. Number at risk for Prosthesis Replacement at last follow-up not reported)
  26. Bergoënd E, Aupart MR, Mirza A, et al. 20 years’ durability of Carpentier-Edwards Perimount stented pericardial aortic valve. In: Yankah CA, Weng Y, Hetzer R, eds. Aortic Root Surgery The Biological Solution. Berlin: Springer; 2010:441-451. (Cohort size = 1,857, mean age = 69.8 yrs, Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up not reported)
  27. Aupart MR, Mirza A, Meurisse YA, et al. Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis for Aortic Calcified Stenosis: 18-year Experience with 1133 Patients. J Heart Valve Dis. 2006;15(6):768-775. (Cohort size = 1,133, mean age = 72.6 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 2)
  28. Forcillo J et al. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve in the Aortic Position: 25-Years Experience. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96:486-93. (Cohort size = 2,405, mean age = 71 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 30)
  29. Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis 20-year Results. Data on file at Edwards Lifesciences, 2003. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 ± 12 yrs. For patients ≥65, number at risk for explant due to SVD at last follow-up = 2)

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