Unidades Globais
Unidades Globais
Fabricamos nossos produtos em várias unidades globais, incluindo os Estados Unidos, Porto Rico, República Dominicana e Cingapura.

Irvine, CA - sede global
Principais Unidades
Sede Global
Edwards Lifesciences Corp
One Edwards Way
Irvine, CA 92614
Telefone 949.250.2500
Edwards Lifesciences Corp
One Edwards Way
Irvine, CA 92614
Telefone 949.250.2500
Washington, DC
Edwards Lifesciences
601 Thirteenth Street, NW
Suite 200 North
Washington, DC 20005
Telefone 202.783.0466
Edwards Lifesciences
601 Thirteenth Street, NW
Suite 200 North
Washington, DC 20005
Telefone 202.783.0466
Edwards Lifesciences (Canada) Inc
6750 Century Ave. Suite 303
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2V8
Telefone 905.819.6900
Outside Canada: 800.404.5020
Edwards Lifesciences (Canada) Inc
6750 Century Ave. Suite 303
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2V8
Telefone 905.819.6900
Outside Canada: 800.404.5020
Unidades de Fabricação
Irvine, California
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
One Edwards Way
Irvine, CA 92614
Telefone 949.250.2500
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
One Edwards Way
Irvine, CA 92614
Telefone 949.250.2500
Draper, Utah
Edwards Lifesciences
12050 Lone Peak Parkway
Draper, UT 84020, USA
Telefone 801.565.5200
Edwards Lifesciences
12050 Lone Peak Parkway
Draper, UT 84020, USA
Telefone 801.565.5200
Unidades Regionais
Sede Regional
Edwards Lifesciences Sàrl
Route de l’Etraz 70
1260 Nyon
Telefone 41.22.787.4300
Sede Regional
Edwards Lifesciences Sàrl
Route de l’Etraz 70
1260 Nyon
Telefone 41.22.787.4300
Edwards Lifesciences Austria GmbH
Vorgartenstraße 206 C
1020 Vienna
Edwards Lifesciences Austria GmbH
Vorgartenstraße 206 C
1020 Vienna
Edwards Lifesciences bvba
Pontbeekstraat 4
1702 Dilbeek
Telefone 32.2.481.3050
Edwards Lifesciences bvba
Pontbeekstraat 4
1702 Dilbeek
Telefone 32.2.481.3050
República Tcheca
Edwards Lifesciences
Praga Studios
Pernerova 697/35
Prague 8 -Karlin
186 00
Telefone 420.221.703.344
Edwards Lifesciences
Praga Studios
Pernerova 697/35
Prague 8 -Karlin
186 00
Telefone 420.221.703.344
Edwards Lifesciences A/S
Ørestads Boulevard 73 2300 Kbh S
Telefone (+45).
Edwards Lifesciences A/S
Ørestads Boulevard 73 2300 Kbh S
Telefone (+45).
Edwards Lifesciences Nordic AB Filial i Finland
c/o Regus Luna House
Mannerheimintie 12B FI-
00100 Helsinque
Telefone 358.20.743.00.41
Edwards Lifesciences Nordic AB Filial i Finland
c/o Regus Luna House
Mannerheimintie 12B FI-
00100 Helsinque
Telefone 358.20.743.00.41
Edwards Lifesciences S.A.S.
Immeuble Gershwin
1 rue Arnold Schoenberg
Telefone 33.1.3005.2929
Edwards Lifesciences S.A.S.
Immeuble Gershwin
1 rue Arnold Schoenberg
Telefone 33.1.3005.2929
Edwards Lifesciences GmbH
Parkring 30
85748 Garching bei München
Telefone (+49).89.954.750
Edwards Lifesciences GmbH
Parkring 30
85748 Garching bei München
Telefone (+49).89.954.750
Edwards Lifesciences Hellas Ltd
10 Kifissias Av.
151 25 Maroussi
Edwards Lifesciences Hellas Ltd
10 Kifissias Av.
151 25 Maroussi
Edwards Lifesciences Ltd.
Beaux Lane House
Mercer Street Lower
Dublin 2
Telefone 353.0.18211012/3
Edwards Lifesciences Ltd.
Beaux Lane House
Mercer Street Lower
Dublin 2
Telefone 353.0.18211012/3
Edwards Lifesciences Innovation (Israel) Ltd
17 Hatokhen St.
Granit Campus - Ofek 13
Northern Industrial Park
Caesarea, 3088900, Israel
Telefone 972.4.6186100
Edwards Lifesciences Innovation (Israel) Ltd
17 Hatokhen St.
Granit Campus - Ofek 13
Northern Industrial Park
Caesarea, 3088900, Israel
Telefone 972.4.6186100
Edwards Lifesciences Italia Spa
Centro Leoni Building A
Via G. Spadolini n. 5
20141 Milão
Telefone 39.02.568061
Edwards Lifesciences Italia Spa
Centro Leoni Building A
Via G. Spadolini n. 5
20141 Milão
Telefone 39.02.568061
Edwards Lifesciences Nordic AB NUF
c/o Regus Nydalsveien 28 0484 Oslo
Telefone (+47).
Edwards Lifesciences Nordic AB NUF
c/o Regus Nydalsveien 28 0484 Oslo
Telefone (+47).
Edwards Lifesciences Poland Sp. z o.o.
Aleje Jerozolimskie 100
00-807 Warsaw
Edwards Lifesciences Poland Sp. z o.o.
Aleje Jerozolimskie 100
00-807 Warsaw
Edwards Lifesciences Lda
Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas
Edificio 5A - 5ºPiso
2744-017 Porto Salvo, Portugal
Edwards Lifesciences Lda
Lagoas Park, Rua das Lagoas Pequenas
Edificio 5A - 5ºPiso
2744-017 Porto Salvo, Portugal
África do Sul
Edwards Lifesciences Ltd.
Route 21 Corporate Park
Irene, X30
Telefone 27.12.345.2482
Edwards Lifesciences Ltd.
Route 21 Corporate Park
Irene, X30
Telefone 27.12.345.2482
Edwards Lifesciences S.L.
Ronda Narciso Monturiol 11, Bloque A
Parque Tecnológico de Valencia
46980 Paterna, Valencia
Telefone 34.96.305.37.00
Edwards Lifesciences S.L.
Ronda Narciso Monturiol 11, Bloque A
Parque Tecnológico de Valencia
46980 Paterna, Valencia
Telefone 34.96.305.37.00
Edwards Lifesciences Nordic AB
Södra Långgatan 25
SE - 211 44 Malmo
Edwards Lifesciences Nordic AB
Södra Långgatan 25
SE - 211 44 Malmo
Edwards Lifesciences
The offices 2, 2nd Floor, Office 206
One Central, World Trade Center
Dubai, UAE,
P.O. Box 9292
Telefone 971.4.299.1025
Edwards Lifesciences
The offices 2, 2nd Floor, Office 206
One Central, World Trade Center
Dubai, UAE,
P.O. Box 9292
Telefone 971.4.299.1025
Reino Unido
Edwards Lifesciences Limited
3 The Sector
Newbury Business Park
Newbury, RG14 2PZ
Telefone 44.1635.277300
Edwards Lifesciences Limited
3 The Sector
Newbury Business Park
Newbury, RG14 2PZ
Telefone 44.1635.277300
Unidades de P&D
Edwards Lifesciences - BMEYE
Hoogoorddreef 60
1101 BE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Telefone 31.20.753.30.33
Hoogoorddreef 60
1101 BE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Telefone 31.20.753.30.33
Edwards Lifesciences Innovation (Israel) Ltd
17 Hatokhen St.
Granit Campus - Ofek 13
Northern Industrial Park
Caesarea, 3088900, Israel
Telefone 972.4.6186100
17 Hatokhen St.
Granit Campus - Ofek 13
Northern Industrial Park
Caesarea, 3088900, Israel
Telefone 972.4.6186100
Edwards Lifesciences Japan LLC
Shinjuku Front Tower
2-21-1, Kita-Shinjuku,
Tokyo 169-0074
Telefone (+81).3.6895.0301
Edwards Lifesciences Japan LLC
Shinjuku Front Tower
2-21-1, Kita-Shinjuku,
Tokyo 169-0074
Telefone (+81).3.6895.0301
Singapore regional headquarters
Edwards Lifesciences (Asia) Pte Ltd
238B Thomson Road
#18-01/18 Novena Square Tower
Singapore 307685
Telefone (+65).6420.8488
Edwards Lifesciences (Asia) Pte Ltd
238B Thomson Road
#18-01/18 Novena Square Tower
Singapore 307685
Telefone (+65).6420.8488
Edwards Lifesciences Korea Co., Ltd.
13 F, City Air Tower,
36, Teheran-ro 87-gil,
Seoul, Coreia (06164)
Telefone +822.559.9400
Edwards Lifesciences Korea Co., Ltd.
13 F, City Air Tower,
36, Teheran-ro 87-gil,
Seoul, Coreia (06164)
Telefone +822.559.9400
Edwards Lifesciences Pty
Ltd 40 Talavera Road, North Ryde NSW 2113
PO Box 137, North Ryde BC NSW 1670
Telefone +61(2) 8899 6300
Edwards Lifesciences Pty
Ltd 40 Talavera Road, North Ryde NSW 2113
PO Box 137, North Ryde BC NSW 1670
Telefone +61(2) 8899 6300
Edwards Lifesciences (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
B03-A-15-01, Menara 3A
No.3 Jalan Bangsar, KL Eco City
59200 Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur, Malásia
Telefone +603.2289.3788
Edwards Lifesciences (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
B03-A-15-01, Menara 3A
No.3 Jalan Bangsar, KL Eco City
59200 Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur, Malásia
Telefone +603.2289.3788
Grande China
Edwards (Shanghai) Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Unit 2602-2608, 2 Grand Gateway,
3 Hong Qiao Road, Xu Hui District,
Shanghai 200030
Telefone 86-21-5389-1888
Edwards (Shanghai) Medical Products Co., Ltd.
Unit 2602-2608, 2 Grand Gateway,
3 Hong Qiao Road, Xu Hui District,
Shanghai 200030
Telefone 86-21-5389-1888
Edwards Lifesciences (India) Pvt. Ltd.
4th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City, Off. Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400 063
Telefone +91-022-66935701 04
Edwards Lifesciences (India) Pvt. Ltd.
4th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City, Off. Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400 063
Telefone +91-022-66935701 04
Edwards Lifesciences (Tailândia) Ltd.
191 Silom Complex Building,
15th Floor, Unit C
Silom Road, Silom
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Telefone 662 494 8080
Edwards Lifesciences (Tailândia) Ltd.
191 Silom Complex Building,
15th Floor, Unit C
Silom Road, Silom
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Telefone 662 494 8080
Unidades de Fabricação
Edwards Lifesciences (Singapore)
Pte Ltd
35 Changi North Crescent
Singapore, 499641
Phone (+65).6883.6789
Edwards Lifesciences (Singapore)
Pte Ltd
35 Changi North Crescent
Singapore, 499641
Phone (+65).6883.6789
Regional headquarters
Edwards Lifesciences Comércio de
Produtos Médico-Cirúrgicos Ltda
Torre Sucupira
Av. das Nações Unidas14401 - 17º. Andar
Chácara Santo Antônio
São Paulo - SP,
CEP: 04794-000
Telefone 55.11.5567.5200
Regional headquarters
Edwards Lifesciences Comércio de
Produtos Médico-Cirúrgicos Ltda
Torre Sucupira
Av. das Nações Unidas14401 - 17º. Andar
Chácara Santo Antônio
São Paulo - SP,
CEP: 04794-000
Telefone 55.11.5567.5200
Edwards Lifesciences México S.A. de C.V.
Av. Insurgentes Sur 1431 Piso 15 – Oficina 1502
Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, Benito Juárez
Ciudad de México - C.P. 03920
Telefone +(52) 55 5292 7923
Edwards Lifesciences México S.A. de C.V.
Av. Insurgentes Sur 1431 Piso 15 – Oficina 1502
Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, Benito Juárez
Ciudad de México - C.P. 03920
Telefone +(52) 55 5292 7923
Edwards Lifesciences
Cra 7 No. 114 - 33 Oficina 505
Bogotá - Colômbia
Telefone 571- 7456572
Edwards Lifesciences
Cra 7 No. 114 - 33 Oficina 505
Bogotá - Colômbia
Telefone 571- 7456572
Unidades de Fabricação
Edwards Lifesciences Costa Rica SRL
Zona Franca La Lima
De la entrada de Pequeño Mundo 100 mts oeste y 200 mts sur.
Cartago, 30106 COSTA RICA
Telefone 506.2103.7711
Zona Franca La Lima
De la entrada de Pequeño Mundo 100 mts oeste y 200 mts sur.
Cartago, 30106 COSTA RICA
Telefone 506.2103.7711
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