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Corporate compliance

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Our credo

At Edwards Lifesciences, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions for people fighting cardiovascular disease.

Through our actions, we will become trusted partners with customers, colleagues, and patients — creating a community unified in its mission to improve the quality of life around the world. Our results will benefit customers, patients, employees, and shareholders.

We will celebrate our successes, thrive on discovery, and continually expand our boundaries. We will act boldly, decisively, and with determination on behalf of people fighting cardiovascular disease.

life is now
life is now
life is now

A message from our leaders

Edwards Lifesciences Global Integrity Program

World's most ethical
World's most ethical
World's most ethical

Edwards Lifesciences Corporation (“Edwards”) is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct. To meet this commitment, Edwards has implemented this Global Integrity Program based upon recognized government standards for effective compliance programs, including guidance published by the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the “HHS-OIG Guidance”).

The purpose of this Program is to detect and prevent behaviors, such as violations of law or company policy, which could harm Edwards and the people we serve. While the implementation of such a program cannot guarantee that improper employee conduct will be entirely eliminated, it is Edwards’ expectation that employees will comply with Program requirements, including the Edwards Global Business Practice Standards (“Standards”) and the policies and procedures established in support of the Standards. In the event that Edwards becomes aware of violations of law or company policy, we will investigate the matter and, where appropriate, take disciplinary action and implement corrective measures to prevent future violations.

The fundamental elements of our Global Integrity Program are described below. In accordance with the HHS-OIG guidance, we have tailored our Program to fit the unique environment, organizational structure, resources, operations and size of our company.

Overview of Global Integrity Program

  1. Leadership. The Chief Responsibility Officer oversees the Program, and reports directly to the Audit Committee of the Edwards Board of Directors. The Chief Responsibility Officer is charged with developing, operating, and monitoring the Program. The Chief Responsibility Officer provides oversight to compliance staff responsible for day-to-day implementation of the Program, and has the ability to effectuate change within the organization as necessary and to exercise independent judgment. Edwards has established a Corporate Compliance Committee, composed of senior leaders, to advise the Chief Responsibility Officer and to assist in the implementation of the Program. Edwards seeks out leaders who operate legally and ethically, and we take steps to exclude from employment consideration anyone whose conduct does not meet our high standards.
  2. Written standards. Edwards’ commitment to ethics and compliance is set forth in the Standards, as well as in extensive policies and procedures intended to help Edwards comply with relevant laws and regulations, industry codes and best practices. The Edwards Standards set forth the ethical and compliance principles that guide our daily operations, reflecting the values identified in Our Credo. The Standards apply globally to all of Edwards’ businesses and subsidiaries, and to all employees, management, members of the Board of Directors, and agents of Edwards. We expect such persons to act in accordance with the law and applicable company policy. The HHS-OIG guidance has identified several potential risk areas for manufacturers, including data integrity pertaining to government reimbursement practices, and kickbacks and other illegal remuneration. These issues are addressed in the Edwards Standards and in Health Care (HC) Policies that Edwards has implemented. In the U.S., Edwards has voluntarily adopted the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals, an industry code of conduct, as well as other industry codes of conduct promulgated in markets outside the United States. A specific annual dollar limit has been imposed on promotional materials, items or activities provided by an Edwards employee to covered recipients in California.
  3. Effective lines of communication. Edwards promotes an environment where employees can raise questions and concerns without fear of retaliation, and offers several resources for employees to report violations, which are promoted on the employee intranet, posters, wallet cards and other communications. One such resource is the confidential Edwards Integrity Helpline, which can be accessed by employees globally by telephone or a web portal. The toll-free number for the Helpline in the U.S. is 877.219.3178.
  4. Training. Edwards is committed to effectively communicating our Standards, policies and procedures to affected personnel, and provides appropriate education and training to employees and agents to help them meet their ethical and compliance obligations. Edwards regularly reviews and updates its training programs, and identifies additional areas of training on an “as needed” basis.
  5. Accountability. Edwards requires that all Edwards employees adhere to the Standards as a condition of their continued employment. Edwards supports ethical behavior, evaluating it as part of annual performance reviews, promptly investigating reports of misconduct and taking prompt disciplinary action against those who violate our Standards.
  6. Assessment. Edwards performs monitoring and auditing of the Program to evaluate its effectiveness, and conducts an annual employee Certification of Business Practices Compliance. The nature of our reviews as well as the extent of our compliance monitoring and auditing varies according to a number of factors, including regulatory requirements, changes in business practices, and other considerations.
  7. Remediation. Results of investigations, audits and monitoring are communicated to the Chief Responsibility Officer and business leaders. When an area for improvement is identified, Edwards takes appropriate corrective action.

Edwards recognizes that compliance is a dynamic concept, so we constantly review and update our Program to improve it and make it more effective.

Request a copy

To request a copy of this Global Integrity Program and Edwards’ annual declaration of compliance call 800-424-3278 (request the Compliance Department) or contact

Annual Compliance Declaration

Declaration for California Compliance Law

Edwards Lifesciences Corp. (Edwards) has implemented a comprehensive compliance program (the “Program”) in accordance with the Compliance Program Guidance published by the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS-OIG Guidance”) that, to the best of our knowledge, meets the requirements of Cal. Health and Safety Code §§ 119400-119402  (“California Law”).   Although California Law references compliance with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals (the “PhRMA Code”), Edwards has adopted the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals (“AdvaMed Code”) which is substantially similar to the PhRMA Code but which specifically addresses interactions between medical device manufacturers and healthcare professionals.

The purpose of the Program is to detect and prevent violations of law and/or company policies.   As required by California Law, Edwards has established a specific annual dollar limit that applies to promotional materials, items, and activities that Edwards provides to certain recipients in California.   Edwards expects its employees to follow the requirements of the program and to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies.   However, as recognized by the HHS-OIG, it is not possible to guarantee the elimination of improper conduct.

We regularly review, assess and modify our compliance program, as necessary, to ensure its continued effectiveness.

A copy of this Declaration or a description of our Program may be obtained by calling (800) 424-3278 (request the Compliance Department) or by contacting

Dated: September 1, 2024

Report a concern

speak up
speak up
speak up

Edwards Lifesciences has various methods for raising ethics questions and concerns and encourages employees to “Speak Up” when something doesn’t seem right. 

These resources are available on the company intranet and featured in our Global Business Practice Standards, The Titanium Book

The Edwards Integrity Helpline is one such resource that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is hosted by a third party. Any matter reported through the Helpline is treated confidentially and shared only with those that need to know for purposes of an investigation and, if appropriate, corrective action. Reports can be made to the Edwards Integrity Helpline anonymously, as permitted by local law. 

Edwards strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports a concern in good faith or participates in the company’s investigation of such a concern.

The Edwards Integrity Helpline can be accessed by telephone in the U.S. and Canada by dialing 877.219.3178. Telephone numbers and instructions for employees based in other countries can be accessed at Reports to the Helpline may also be made via the internet.

Global industry codes

Providing innovative solutions for people fighting cardiovascular disease requires collaboration with health care providers. Edwards Lifesciences is committed to ethical and socially responsible business practices, and respects the obligation of health care professionals to make independent decisions regarding medical technologies. In addition to our Credo and core values of integrity and service on behalf of customers and patients around the world, Edwards has adopted industry codes of conduct that govern our interactions with health care professionals. In the United States, we play an active role in the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), and have adopted the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals. Outside the United States, we have adopted similar codes of conduct. To learn more about these medical technology associations and the codes we have adopted, you may visit the websites listed above.