Medical information request
Edwards Lifesciences is committed to providing healthcare professionals with accurate, unbiased, and balanced evidence-based product information in order to support clinical decision-making and facilitate better patient outcomes.
For Transcatheter Heart Valve therapies:
Request Transcatheter Heart Valve Medical Information
For Surgical Heart Valve therapies:
Request Surgical Heart Valve therapies Medical Information
Research and Educational Grants
Through its educational and research grant programs, Edwards Lifesciences is committed to supporting programs that further clinical knowledge, scientific exchange, medical education and delivery of effective therapies for structural heart disease and critical care monitoring, and is further committed to supporting independent research in the area of valve science and hemodynamic monitoring in order to enhance scientific knowledge for the purpose of extending and enhancing human life.
Healthcare Professional consultant portal
Proctor and faculty consultants are able to manage scheduling, invoicing and credentialing documents through the Healthcare professional (HCP) consultant portal.