El sistema valvular EDWARDS INTUITY Elite representa nuestro compromiso con la innovación continua para cirujanos y pacientes relacionado con los tratamientos de las valvulopatías cardiacas.
El mercado de las válvulas cardiacas quirúrgicas está evolucionando. Los procedimientos concomitantes suponen un porcentaje creciente dentro del conjunto de intervenciones quirúrgicas y la cirugía mínimamente invasiva está cobrando una importancia cada vez mayor. Para que los cirujanos puedan adaptarse a estas tendencias, hemos desarrollado el sistema valvular EDWARDS INTUITY Elite.
Hemos combinado nuestra Tecnología valvular de pericardio contrastada con nuestras innovaciones en el ámbito de las válvulas cardiacas transcatéter para optimizar los procedimientos. El sistema valvular EDWARDS INTUITY Elite es compatible con las cirugías valvulares cardiacas con incisión mínima. Creemos que los procedimientos menos invasivos y más eficientes pueden proporcionar ventajas considerables durante y después del procedimiento quirúrgico.
Este es el siguiente paso en la evolución de las válvulas aórticas quirúrgicas.
Esta es la plataforma valvular EDWARDS INTUITY Elite, un paso más en la evolución de las válvulas aórticas protésicas para sutitución valvular quirúrgica.
La evolución de un diseño de confianza
El sistema valvular EDWARDS INTUITY Elite está diseñado para alcanzar tres importantes objetivos de forma simultánea:
- Haverich A, Wahlers TC, Borger MA, et al. Three-Year Hemodynamic Performance, Left Ventricular Mass Regression, and Prosthetic-Patient-Mismatch After Rapid Deployment Aortic Valve Replacement in 287 Patients, J Throac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014;148(6):2854-60
**These data pertain to an earlier generation EDWARDS INTUITY system and supported the CE Mark approval for the EDWARDS INTUITY Elite valve system. - Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, White JA, et al. Age and Valve Size Effect on the Long-term Durability of the Carpentier-Edwards Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001;72(3):753-757. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 ± 12 yrs. Number at risk for Explant for SVD at last follow-up not reported)
- McClure RS, Narayanasamy N, Wiegerinck E, et al. Late Outcomes for Aortic Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: Up to 17-year Follow-up in 1,000 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;89(5):1410-1416. (Cohort size = 1,000, mean age = 74.1 ± 0.29 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up not reported)
- Welke KF, Wu Y, Grunkemeier GL, Ahmad A, Starr A. Long-term results after Carpentier-Edwards pericardial aortic valve implantation, with attention to the impact of age. The Heart Surgery Forum. 2011;14(3):E160-165.
- Minakata K et al. Long-Term Outcome of the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve in the Aortic Position in Japanese Patients. Circulation Journal 2014;78:882-889. (Cohort size = 574, mean age = 71.9 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at 15-year follow-up = 54)
- Jamieson WR, Germann E, Aupart MR, et al. 15-year Comparison of Supra-annular Porcine and PERIMOUNT Aortic Bioprostheses. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2006;14(3):200-205. (Cohort size = 1,430, mean age = 69.5 ± 10.4 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 33)
- Grunkemeier GL, Furnary AP, Wu Y, Wang L, Starr A. Durability of pericardial versus porcine bioprosthetic heart valves. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2012;144(6):1381-1386.
- Biglioli P, Spampinato N, Cannata A, et al. Long-term outcomes of the Carpentier-Edwards pericardial valve prosthesis in the aortic position: effect of patient age. J Heart Valve Dis. 2004;13(1):S49-51. (Cohort size = 327, mean age = 67.2 ± 10.6 yrs. Number at risk for Prosthesis Replacement at last follow-up not reported)
- Bergoënd E, Aupart MR, Mirza A, et al. 20 years’ durability of Carpentier-Edwards Perimount stented pericardial aortic valve. In: Yankah CA, Weng Y, Hetzer R,eds. Aortic Root Surgery The Biological Solution. Berlin: Springer; 2010:441-451. (Cohort size = 1,857, mean age = 69.8 yrs, Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up not reported)
- Aupart MR, Mirza A, Meurisse YA, et al. Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis for Aortic Calcified Stenosis: 18-year Experience with 1133 Patients. J Heart Valve Dis. 2006;15(6):768-775. (Cohort size = 1,133, mean age = 72.6 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 2)
- Bourguignon T, et al. Very Long-Term Outcomes of the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Valve in Aortic Position. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Mar;99(3):831-7. (Cohort size = 2,659, mean age = 71 ± 10.4 yrs. Number at risk for explant for Structural Valve Deterioration = 27).
- Forcillo J et al. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve in the Aortic Position: 25-Years Experience. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96:486-93. (Cohort size = 2,405, mean age = 71 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 30)
- Clinical Communiqué. Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis 20-year Results. Data on file at Edwards Lifesciences, 2003. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 ± 12 yrs. For patients ≥ 65, number at risk for explant due to SVD at last follow-up = 2)
- Johnston DR, Soltesz EG, Vakil N, et al. Long-term durability of bioprosthetic aortic valves: implications from 12,569 implants. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Apr;99(4):1239-47. (Cohort size = 12,569, mean age = 71 ±11 yrs. Number at risk for explant for Structural Valve Deterioration at 20 year follow-up = 54).
- Clinical Investigation Report: Study Number; 2011-02 Report Date: 25 February 2016; TRANSFORM Database December 3, 2015.
- STS database for the period of July 2011 - December 2012.
- Al-Sarraf N, Thalib L, Houlihan M, Tolan M, Young V, McGovern E. Cross-clamp time is an independent predictor of mortality and morbidity in low- and high-risk cardiac patients. Int J Surg 2011;9:104-109
- Borger MA, Dohmen P, Moustafine V, Conradi L, Knosalla C, Richter M, Merk DR, Doenst T, Hammerschmidt R, Treede H, Dohmen P, Strauch JT. Randomized Multi-Center Trial of Minimally Invasive Rapid Deployment Versus Conventional Full Sternotomy Aortic Valve Replacement (CADENCE-MIS). The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2014.
- Clinical Investigation Report. Report Date: 07 June 2016; FOUNDATION Database February 1, 2016.
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